1. Pop open the lid, embrace the handcrafted detail of the cigar and give it a dry inhale. Test the smoothness of the pull prior lighting and scan the QR code.
2. The Luchagar is ready to go, no need to cut the cigar!
3. It is recommended to use a torch lighter for ease of use. Wooden matches will do fine but can take an extended amount of time to ignite the cigar.
4. De-gas the cigar by blowing through it while lighting it will help ignite evenly. Take smooth and even puffs as you ignite the cigar. Make sure to burn the tip evenly and rotate the cigar on the flame.
An uneven burn brings shame to the Luchador.
5. Once a cigar is lit, the cherry can reach temperatures of up to 1500℉. Give the cigar the opportunity to breath and let it rest for a minute for a better smoking experience.
You’ll see white ash collect as you smoke. Having bigger ash collect is a reflection of high quality rolling technique and product!
6. Enjoy the experience and share us on
social media!